Monday, December 17, 2007


So today was my school's Christmas party. It was basically 3 hours of children eating candy. My boss bought SOOO much candy for them that I ended up spending 4 hours decorating the school with it. I had to get 'creative'. Some of my best inventions were the Japanese radish/lolly-pop Christmas tree and the hanging garden of donuts. All in all it was a fun afternoon. Japanese kids (like most kids, I guess) get incredibly shy around people they don't know. All of my usually bouncing-off-the-walls kids were quite subdued. This was a good thing because I don't think I could have handled 30 of my regularly behaving students. The cutest by far was the little girl named Risa who showed up dressed as Chip from Disney's Chip N' Dale. No one is really sure why she did it though....